An Organisation which owns and operates one or more satellites is called a Satellite Operator.
On this page i would like to examine a few Operators.
Olympus satellites
- Olympus Satellites Company has secured 9 geostationary orbital locations via the Republic of Cyprus and ITU
- Three of these will be utilized in order to implement a world-wide satellite system covering all earth on land, sea and air.
- Each satellite will have two control stations, one prime and one redundant.
- These will be located in Cyprus as well as in other place(s) that will be required.
- Each satellite will have the appropriate antennas in order all signals from all antennas will be routed to the control stations.
- The control stations will be used to monitor all satellites on a 24 hour basis.
- Each satellite will download thousand of telemetry data, every few seconds, which will be analyzed by special processors in real time and will serve about 5 Million of subscribers/users simultaneously
- The telecommunication services will be provided by specific spot beams from each satellite
-Each satellite will offer all types of satellite communications in Ka-Band, but it is anticipated that 95% will be utilized for Broadband (fast) Internet.
- The Launch of all satellites will take place in Cape Canaveral in Florida or through “Proton Launcher” (ILS Company) in Kazakhstan in order to extent life of satellites two (2) or more years.
- System can be upgraded to 6 or 9 satellites, servicing double and triple subscribers thus up to 45 Million out of the today +/-3.5 Billion internet users
- The Satellite Operator of our system will be one of the first in the worldwide market that will have a global telecommunication cost effective system in Ka Band that will cover Earth, offering communication/internet services on land, sea and air”
- Our three Satellites main activities are to provide High Speed Internet (Send/Receive) in worldwide basis servicing the entire world of real internet users (Today worldwide live users are more than 3.5 Billion)
- The system of three satellites, covering the Earth with specific spot beams, offering two-way communications services in broad band, upon successful launch of the three satellites, is estimated to be worth 4 times the capital expenditure
- The High Speed Satellite Internet is the most profitable and no risk business worldwide, as internet has become the most important tool to everyone in our daily life.
Olympus Founder
Olympus founder and Managing Director Dr. Christos Fellas (Spacecraft Engineering Consultant) has a vast performance and high experience in the design, procurement, monitoring and launching of various types of Satellites (Dr. Fellas has 23 successful satellites manufacture and launch up to date) where with pride we nominate the Hellenic/Cypriot telecommunication satellite HELLAS SAT that well manufactured and successful launched on May 2003.
Dr Christos Fellas, was overall responsible for the definition and the implementation of the Hellas-Sat Project. He was the main responsible for the procurement of the satellite, including the monitoring of the manufacture, integration and test of the satellite, the launch services and launch campaign (Spacecraft Mission Director), launch interfaces between spacecraft manufacturer and launch agency, Launch and LEOP operations as well as in-orbit tests.
Christakis N. Fellas CV
Consultant to Olympus Satellites Ltd since 2012.
"Conceptua"l Design of a Global three Satellite System in Ka-Band offering communication services in
Land, Sea and Air
Consultant to MEASAT from 2011-2012 Monitoring the manufacture, assembly Integration and test of all manufacturing activities associated with
MEASAT 3b satellite, at ASTRIUM, Toulouse, France.
Consultant to ARABSAT from 2009-2011
duties in relation to Arabsat 5A, 5B and 5C include among others:
- Participation in design reviews PRD and CDR
- Monitoring all test activities at unit, subsystem and system level
- Participating selectively at MIPs
- Participating at Test Data Reviews
- Attending MRBs (on class 1 NCRs)
- Reporting to Arabsat Management on progress
- Validating IOT data and participating in TRBs (Test Review Boards)
Consultant, Planet Sky Orbital from 2007-2009
Conceptual design of a global Maritime and Aeronautical Broadband service utilizing the Ka-Band.
Defining the five orbital slots to be used for four satellites and one in-orbit spare and filing the necessary
orbital slots via the Republic of Cyprus.**********RISK Defense & Safety Company is based in Cyprus and is one of Olympus Satellites Business and Strategic partners*************
08/2006 to 01/2007: ESA RESIDENT
ESA Resident at Astrium Stevenage and Portsmouth monitoring the development, manufacture,
assembly integration and test of the HYLAS Spacecraft (by AVANTI Communications).
Monitoring six other ESA future payload development projects.
Responsible for the proper operation of the Hellas-Sat Satellite System and the training of operators for
station keeping and payload configuration and re-configuration
Overall responsibility for the definition and the implementation of the Hellas-Sat Project.
Procurement of the satellite, including the monitoring of the manufacture, integration and test of the
Procurement of the launch services and responsible for the launch campaign (Spacecraft Mission
Responsible for the launch interfaces between spacecraft manufacturer and launch agency. Responsible
for Launch and LEOP operations as well as in-orbit tests.
Other duties included participation in frequency co-ordination, preparation and approval of all technical
specifications relating to Hellas-Sat and approval of all waivers.
2000: NILESAT 102
1997 to 1998: NILESAT 101 and ST1
Monitoring the manufacture and testing of payload units:
-TT&C transmitters, receivers
-TWTAs and Upconverters
-Troubleshooting of failures and approval of design changes
- Payload Integration and end to end tests
- Launch preparation activities
- In-Orbit tests
1990 to 1995: INTELSAT Spacecraft Engineering Consultant and PA Representative
Project Management of European operations on the INTELSAT VII & VIIA spacecraft
- Satellite Antenna Design
- Monitoring the manufacture and testing all units made in Europe:
• TT&C transmitters,
• Receivers, TWTAs and Upconverters
• Troubleshooting of failures and approval of design changes.
• Panel Integration activities at Alcatel Espace - MRBs & TestReviews -Data approval - Milestone
• Monitoring of qualification of new units – failure investigations.
Design modifications approval.
• PA Representative (1993-1994) - MRB closures
- Preparation and approval of the RFP for the INMARSAT III Satellite procurement program
- Definition of the technical requirements of the Space sector.
- Evaluation of the technical part of the 5 proposals received by Inmarsat, on behalf of
UK signatory.
- Inmarsat II satellite procurement - monitoring and reporting on the progress in the manufacture,
integration and test of 2nd generation Inmarsat spacecraft
- Navigation by satellite. Three satellite Global Navigational system – Conceptual Design
- CCIR XVIIth Plenary Assembly - member of UK Working Group 8D (Satellite Applications for Mobile
Services, Terrestrial and Aeronautical)
- Passive intermodulation at C-Band and L-Band
- Radiopaging via Satellite 1986 - 1988 - initial concept, design and manufacture of breadboard and
prototype Radiopaging Satellite Receiver.
- Inmarsat II Spacecraft, Tender Evaluation on behalf of the UK signatory
Senior Consultant to INTELSAT responsible for monitoring the performance of the contracts for the
supply of spacecraft hardware in Europe destined for the INTELSAT VI spacecraft - monitoring the
production and testing of Receivers and Multiplexers manufactured at ATES in the Toulouse, and the
TWTs manufactured at Thomson-CSF Velizy.
1982 to 1984: UNISAT Project
- Assistance Spacecraft Manager Unisat project
- Conceptual definition of UK Direct Broadcasting Satellite - monitoring manufacture and testing of
spacecraft hardware.
- EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) ECS, Marecs
- Electrostatic Discharge problem - Invented a new method for eliminating discharges caused by charge
built-up (See Publications Papers and Patents).
- Electrical interface engineer on the L-Sat project (Olympus).
- Electronic Warfare Systems and Devices.
- Microwave systems design and performance calculations for Early Warning Receivers.
- Microwave Equipment Design - designing microstrip and stripline devices: mixers, couplers, filters, etc.
Publications by Christakis N. Fellas
I. Xenon Induced Instability in Nuclear Reactors - M.Sc. Thesis, 1972, University of Aston, Birmingham, UK..
II. The Response of Scintillator to Very Heavy Irons - Ph.D. Thesis, 1977, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK.
III. Publication number US4433201, A laminar plastics material sheet including a transparent, electrically conductive layer used to cover the front and/or rear surfaces of a spacecraft solar array to alleviate electrostatic charge build-up thereon due to electron bombardmen
Publications numbers 06374022, 374022, US 4433201 A, US 4433201A, US-A-4433201, US4433201 A, US4433201A
Papers by Christakis N. Fellas
a. The Response of CsI (TI) to Energy Degraded Fission Fragments - IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-22, 1975, P. 93-95 (C. N. Fellas, W.G. Gilboy and D.A. Ginger).
b. An Arc-Free Thermal Blanket for Spacecraft use - IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-27, 1980, p. 1802-1807.
c. The Design of an Arc-Free Thermal Blanket - NASA Proceedings of the 3rd Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, November 1980, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, USA. NASA Conference publication 2182, AFGL-TR81-0270, p. 261-266.
d. Improved Anti-Static Thermal Blankets - IEEE Annual Conference on Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects, July 1981, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-28, No. 6, December 1981. P. 4571-4575.
e. Internal Charging of Indium Oxide Coated Mirrors - IEEE Annual Conference on Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects. July 1981, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-28 No. 6, December 1981. p. 4523-4528.
(C.N. Fellas, S. Richardson).
f. A Solution to the Spacecraft Charging Problem - The Institute of Physics Symposium on
Electrostatics, April 1980, Journal of Electrostatics, 11 (1982) p. 281-296.
g. Anti-Static Coat, for Solar Arrays - Proceedings of 3rd European Symposium "Photovoltaic Generators in Space, Bath, May 1982 (ESA-SP-173 June 1982) p. 305-307.
h. Spacecraft Charging - How to make large Communications Satellite immune to Arcing - Proceedings of International Symposium on Spacecraft materials in Space Environment.
(June 1982) ESA Publication SP-178, p. 305-309.
i. Altering the Electrical Conductivity of Dielectrics - IEEE 1982 Annual Conference Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena. October 1982 (University of Massachusetts) p. 222-227.
Patents by Christakis N. Fellas
a. Thermal Control Materials for Satellites
UK Application No. 7938717 filed 8 November 1979
UK Application No. 8022867 filed 12 July 1980
UK Application No. 8028615 filed 4th September 1980
UK Application No. 8018037 filed 2nd June 1980
UK Application No. 8035523 filed 4th November 1980
Published by the Patents Office, London, on 20th May 1981 and given Official Serial Number 2 062 189A.
USA Appilcation No 4489906 filed 24th August 1983 (British Aerospace Company)
USA Filing Number 204, 703, filed on 6th November 1980
b. Anti-Static Coat for Spacecraft Solar Arrays
UK Application No. 8113615 filed on 1st May 1981
1986: Computer Scientist and Senior Project Manager
2004: Executive Management
Executive Protection
Risk Analysis
Risk Assessment
Risk Management
2005: Threat Management
Commanding techniques & Communication Skills
Human Resource Management
Security Plan
2006: Instructors course in security protection
Currently at
Defense Advisor at INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR Co. (www.armour.gr) *******INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR Co is aslo one of the Olympus Satellites Business and Strategic partners****************
INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR (Greece) is a NATO certified Company with NATO CAGE Code G2181,
is ICoC signatory Company, UN registered supplier, has obtained from the Hellenic Republic - Ministry
of Public Order / Ministry of Defense.
INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR has official certified branches in the Republic of Serbia, in the Republic
of Cyprus and in United Kingdom in order to serve its clients with accuracy and accountability
worldwide. *************again Cypres ****************
Advisor at RISK DEFENSE & SAFETY - Cyprus (www.risk-international.gr) ******************One of the Olympus Satellites Business and Strategic partners*******************
RISK INTERNATIONAL is a Defense, Safety, Advanced Technology and Security Training Company
(ICoC Signatory) with worldwide interests, working and complying under the highest market standards.
Company cooperates in close with all affiliated companies of group and strategic partners in worldwide
basis established by expertise members of the international safety and defense industry
Consultant at AVISTA VENTURES (www.avista-ventures.com)
With an extensive experience in marine business, AVISTA VENTURES has been successful in servicing
a strong worldwide base of clients who commands quality products, services, consultants and turnkey
solutions on time and at the best market prices.
As a reputable company with officials with more than 25 years of experience in the International Marine
Business, AVISTA VENTURES is all the time able to meet the challenging demands of its clients
offering a wide range of services and products in all respective fields within the scope of its business.
Advisor at AVERSA LTD - Bulgaria (www.aversa-group.com)
AVERSA is an International Business Consultant Company, Security Risk Management expertise, high
technology, banking and commercial services providers and products suppliers, e-commerce and payment
solutions services Company.
Company’s main business is trusted intelligence, investigations and advisory services including security
risk management, cyber security, data recovery and payment gateway services to big and VIP merchants
by eliminated their electronic (e-commerce) business risks.
AVERSA's board of directors and personnel is constituted by expertise specialized in identifying,
remediating and monitoring risk across all our clients enterprises.
Systems Analyst at OLYMPUS SATELLITES (www.olympus-sat.com)
Olympus Satellites Company established in Cyprus and is legal Licensed as Satellite Operator.
The business scope of the company is to provide a global advanced state of design satellite system,
offering communication services on land, sea and air under a constellation of three to nine geostationary
satellites in Ka-Band.
Previous Position:
2012 - 2015: Security Consultant at POSEIDON GROUP
2012 - 2015: Security Consultant at POSEIDON MARSEC COMPANY
2003 - 2009: Training Consultant at RISK INTERNATIONAL P.S.I.
2003 - 2007: Honorary President at IBA HELLAS
2003 - 2009: General Manager at RISK INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE
1989 - 2009 Director General at INFOMATIC SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY LIMITED
Business Summary & Activities:
- Founder of "AVERSA LTD" - Bulgaria (Est: 2013)
- Founder of "AVISTA VENTURES COMPANY" - Marshall Islands (Est: 2015)
- Founder of "INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR Co" - Greece (Est: 2008)
- Founder of "RISK DEFENSE & SAFETY (RDS)" - Cyprus (Est: 2012)
- Founder of "INTERARMOUR (CY)" - Cyprus (Est: 2015)
- Founder of "INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR" - United Kingdom (Est: 2015)
- Founder of "INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR" - Serbia (Est: 2015)
Services Company (Est: 2004)
Law Enforcement Training Institute (Est: 2004)
- Founder of "RISK INTERNATIONAL DEFENSE Ltd", a Defense and High Technology Security and
Safety Products and Services Company (Est: 2003)
- Founder of "INFOMATIC SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY Ltd", a High Technology Systems and
Software Company (Est: 1989)
***************founder of all the Olympus Satellites Business and Strategic partners"
Olympus Satellites Business and Strategic partners
Olympus Satellites has the full support and is officially cooperate as main business and strategic partner with International Armour Co in Greece, AVISTA VENTURES Company in Marshall Islands, AVERSA Company in Bulgaria, Vassili Group in Seycheles and RISK Defense & Safety Company in Cyprus.
All these Companies are fully support Olympus Satellites project as the people behind are expertise for many years in high technology telecommunication systems related to defense, security and safety (sea and land organizations)
Satellite Design
Satellite Procurement
- HELLAS SAT Monitoring - Assembly Integration - Test - Launch
- INTELSAT 6 (5 Satellites)
- INTELSAT 7 (5 Satellites)
- INTELSAT 7A (4 Satellites)
- NILESAT (2 Satellites)
- ST1
- ARABSAT 5 (3 Satellites)
Affiliate links on "the Founder" tab